Saturday, January 19, 2008

We All Have an Inner Insect

First of all, I would like to say that everyone’s preconceived notions of insects should be reexamined. They are not something to be squished, shooed, or screamed at. These creatures are invaluable to the environment. They’re also ancient and wonderfully adapted! Take the praying mantis, which dates back to the time of the cockroach and dinosaurs, comes in 2,300 varieties, camouflages as a stick, leaf, or even a flower, and is a miniature assassin. Or the humble ant, who colonizes every place on our planet (except for the poles) and is the only creature to domesticate animals other than humans! Insects can be gross, annoying, scary, or invasive. But then again, so can people. Simply because there are few bad apples with worms in them, does not mean that every insect is horrible, grotesque, or otherwise not worthy of living. Let’s give everyone a chance.

... to be continued

Orchid Mantis

Leaf Mantis:


LCC said...

OK, mantis-girl, I take your point, but I'm still not quite sure I want to get in touch with my inner insect. And as a metaphor, I'd still rather be a bear or an eagle or even a labrador retriever than a cock-a-roach.

Nice pictures, though, as always.

God said...

I have come to the conclusion that if I were to be any bug, it would be a rolly poly. How much fun would that be? Couldn't you just see a giant rolly polie (two different spellings! Whoo!) rollin' down the street?

Um. So. Yes.